
10 % conversion

Organic traffic increased by 123%

First results on Amazon and Google

The project

ORBALLO is a company that, as lovers of nature, healthy food, and rural Galicia, felt that there is nothing more grateful than working on the land; that’s why in 2012 they decided to offer 100% organic products of the best possible quality.

The strategy and results


We understood that ORBALLO’s product had to be known throughout Spain, so the Amazon Marketplace was the best place to develop a brand visibility strategy.

Once the product was established on Amazon, we continued with an SEO positioning strategy focused on the seasonality of the type words (ginger, rosemary, infusions, etc.) that determined at what time of the year it could be more interesting to talk about them.

Once these actions were implemented, we only had to implement the metrics in the digital objectives of the marketing plan.


At Amazon we managed to position ORBALLO as a benchmark for organic infusions, reaching the top positions not only in terms of search.

Customers who visited ORBALLO products ended up acquiring 10% of them, which exceeded the current e-commerce average in Spain of 5%.

In Google, we obtained the first positions for keywords such as «tea plantations» and “organic infusion”. In the case of «tea plantations», we are talking about a generic term that was competing with web pages with greater domain authority such as Wikipedia and that made its positioning difficult to achieve.